What is an active Request?
An active Request is a Request that was sent and is currently in progress, accessible to the Client...
How to see responses for a Request?
Please log into the OkaySend Dashboard to find all active and archived Requests...
What is a Checklist?
Checklists and Requests are the same thing...
Version 1.1.0
This document shows you how to perform common operations, such as creating a new request and working with responses in Zapier.
OkaySend integrates with 5000+ apps through Zapier, offering nearly limitless possibilities for automation.
Triggers when the status of a request changes to "complete" once all its required fields are filled and completed.
Sample Response:
{ "blocks": { "-NfEL-9ppiMrh7rWurtd": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Company Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfELB2HQ1R9NA4IyU4n": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Sponsor Representative Full Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfELEYVQ8tO5Xx3P71V": { "desc": "What's your role within the company? Feel free to explain or mention more than one title if what you do cannot be defined by a single category.
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Position/Job Title", "type": "type_long" }, "-NfELUhU5As3_1L7tOyU": { "isRequired": false, "status": "done", "title": "Business Address", "type": "type_long" }, "-NfELkVOWDvsXF-v9ggf": { "desc": "Here, you can provide us with one or multiple contact numbers that we can reach you on if we need to discuss anything with you.
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Business Contact Number(s)", "type": "type_phone" }, "-NfELrzftu9omDy8vLqR": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Business Email Address", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfELurYdqSCOM6KVL9_": { "isRequired": false, "status": "done", "title": "Company Website", "type": "type_url" }, "-NfELylOFCUEkAVBk9Ym": { "desc": "Please ensure the graphics provided are clear and of high quality, they will be used on promotional materials.
", "isRequired": false, "status": "done", "title": "Company Graphics", "type": "type_upload", "upload_rules": { "allow_any": false, "allowed_types": [ "drawing", "image" ], "max_files": "3", "max_size": "5" } }, "-NfEM7dOdGhaQhpo0Mt6": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Host Organisation’s Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMGFX4zD3rG-arLso": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMMs1b76oQq8vnSmO": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Description", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMVfoZ9_r1RMb8crm": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Date", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMVxl6mZJJCpo39e9": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Location", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMfE5b4b74BwpStCR": { "desc": "Here, we're looking for a number of [INSERT DESIRED CURRENCY HERE]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Sponsorship Description", "type": "type_long" }, "-NfEMs6V2QqKraVW_L8a": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Have you previously sponsored any other events of ours in the past?", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMurFAPCkWSdGZuY8": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "What is your preferred payment method for sponsorship?", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMy3xz4IWi9am2Q7i": { "desc": "Use this part to let us know of anything you'd like to mention. For example, this could be information that doesn't quite fit within the above categories, questions regarding this form and the next steps, etc.
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Is there anything else we should know that you'd like to add?", "type": "type_long" } }, "clients": { "-N_pWd3qJCDqrO1Zzu_Apt": { "company": "Let me search LLC", "created_at": 1689893924614, "email": "j.paul@gmail.com", "id": "-N_pWd3qJCDqrO1Zzu_Apt", "name": "John Paul", "phone": "+11234567890", "timestamp": -1689893923878 }, "-exampleJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW": { "company": "Acme LLC", "created_at": 1689893924614, "email": "jane.smith@gmail.com", "id": "-exampleJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW", "name": "Jane Smith", "phone": "", "timestamp": -1689893923878 } }, "multi_clients": true, "login": false, "client": { "company": "Acme LLC", "created_at": 1689893924614, "email": "jane.smith@gmail.com", "id": "-N_pWd3qJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW", "name": "Jane Smith", "phone": "", "timestamp": -1689893923878 }, "client_id": "-N_pWd3qJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW", "due_date": 1699210800000, "entity": "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company", "outline": [ { "-NfEL-9o_tyyY23c1Yya": [ "-NfEL-9ppiMrh7rWurtd", "-NfELB2HQ1R9NA4IyU4n", "-NfELEYVQ8tO5Xx3P71V", "-NfELUhU5As3_1L7tOyU", "-NfELkVOWDvsXF-v9ggf", "-NfELrzftu9omDy8vLqR", "-NfELurYdqSCOM6KVL9_", "-NfELylOFCUEkAVBk9Ym" ] }, { "-NfEM6cbnY0o1c-FUqz-": [ "-NfEM7dOdGhaQhpo0Mt6", "-NfEMGFX4zD3rG-arLso", "-NfEMMs1b76oQq8vnSmO", "-NfEMVfoZ9_r1RMb8crm", "-NfEMVxl6mZJJCpo39e9", "-NfEMfE5b4b74BwpStCR", "-NfEMlcTFyjPywpP6XAp", "-NfEMs6V2QqKraVW_L8a", "-NfEMurFAPCkWSdGZuY8", "-NfEMy3xz4IWi9am2Q7i" ] } ], "progress": 100, "reminder_sched": { "due_date": 1699210800000, "id": "default-d-1cUNj9cgy6i9", "sched": [ null, { "date": "submit", "days": "0", "when": "after" }, { "date": "submit", "days": "5", "when": "after" }, { "date": "due", "days": "5", "when": "before" }, { "date": "due", "days": "3", "when": "before" }, { "date": "due", "days": "0", "when": "after" }, { "date": "due", "days": "2", "when": "after" } ], "sent_date": 1698640152432, "title": "Default" }, "response": { "-NfEL-9ppiMrh7rWurtd": { "value": "Acme LLC" }, "-NfELB2HQ1R9NA4IyU4n": { "value": "Jane Smith" }, "-NfELEYVQ8tO5Xx3P71V": { "value": "CEO" }, "-NfELkVOWDvsXF-v9ggf": { "value": "+12312322334" }, "-NfELrzftu9omDy8vLqR": { "value": "jane.smith@gmail.com" }, "-NfELurYdqSCOM6KVL9_": { "value": "https://example.com" }, "-NfELylOFCUEkAVBk9Ym": { "files": { "-NiVN5DUtuj2CiugYJrl": { "name": "WhatsApp Image 2023-10-30 at 15.57.34_bd6d9a23.jpg", "size": 147359, "type": "image/jpeg", "url": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/files%2F1cUNLlSo8xaCNajIjG4WlpHgbK23_Company%2F-NiVN5DUtuj2CiugYJrl-WhatsApp%20Image%202023-10-30%20at%2015.57.34_bd6d9a23.jpg?alt=media&token=71973d8a-3f22-40f3-bacc-dbe08b5e9cdf" }, "-NigN_AaVuVDvDFYRgZY": { "name": "365782767_10161414285368028_1057165387620020197_n.jpg", "size": 168714, "type": "image/jpeg", "url": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/files%2F1cUNLlSo8xaCNajIjG4WlpHgbK23_Company%2F-NigN_AaVuVDvDFYRgZY-365782767_10161414285368028_1057165387620020197_n.jpg?alt=media&token=d1bbc82d-720a-4274-bf6f-fd6e5fa96625" } } }, "-NfEM7dOdGhaQhpo0Mt6": { "value": "XYZ Tech Solutions" }, "-NfEMGFX4zD3rG-arLso": { "value": "TechFest 2023" }, "-NfEMMs1b76oQq8vnSmO": { "value": "A dynamic technology conference showcasing the latest innovations and trends." }, "-NfEMVfoZ9_r1RMb8crm": { "value": "12/5/2023" }, "-NfEMVxl6mZJJCpo39e9": { "value": "City Convention Center" }, "-NfEMfE5b4b74BwpStCR": { "value": "10,000" }, "-NfEMlcTFyjPywpP6XAp": { "value": "We are thrilled to support TechFest 2023 and contribute towards its success. Our sponsorship will specifically go towards enhancing the event experience. This includes providing cutting-edge tech displays and five large interactive booths ensuring a wonderful experience for all attendees." }, "-NfEMs6V2QqKraVW_L8a": { "value": "no" }, "-NfEMurFAPCkWSdGZuY8": { "value": "Bank transfer" }, "-NfEMy3xz4IWi9am2Q7i": { "value": "" } }, "sections": { "-NfEL-9o_tyyY23c1Yya": { "title": "Company Information" }, "-NfEM6cbnY0o1c-FUqz-": { "title": "Sponsorship information" } }, "sent_date": 1698640152432, "status": "complete", "title": "Sponsor Info", "request_id": "example_id_123" }
Response Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
blocks | Object | A JSON object containing information about different blocks. |
multi_clients | Boolean | Will be set to true if the request was sent to multiple clients. |
login | Boolean | Will be set to true if the request requires email verification from all clients for access. |
clients | Object | Details about all the clients, including company name, email, and other information. |
client | Object | Details about the client, including company name, email, and other information. |
client_id | String | The unique identifier for the client. |
due_date | Number | The due date for the request. A timestamp. |
entity | String | The unique identifier of your OkaySend account otherwise referred to as Account ID or Company ID. |
outline | Array | A list of Objects containing the section IDs and the block IDs. |
progress | Number | The progress of the checklist. A percentage-based progress indicator, where 0 represents no progress, and 100 represents completion or full progress. |
reminder_sched | Object | Details about the rules that OkaySend follows to send reminders. |
response | Object | Details about the responses collected from the client. Includes the block ID (ID for the question) and the value (input from the client) properties. |
sections | Object | A JSON object of the sections that group the blocks. Includes the section ID and the title (name of the section) properties. |
sent_date | Number | The timestamp of the request when it was first finalized and sent. |
status | String | The current status of the request. See What do the Request statuses mean? |
title | String | The name of the request. |
request_id | String | The unique identifier of the request. |
Triggers when the status of a request changes to "complete" and has one or more upload fields.
Sample Response:
{ "progress": 100, "status": "complete", "title": "Example Checklist Sponsor Info", "request_id": "example_id_123", "attachment": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/attachment-zapier-test.png?alt=media&token=a94e766a-a010-4934-9228-9870c4ae463e" }
Response Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
progress | Number | The progress of the checklist. Ranges 0 to 100. |
status | String | The current status of the request. See What do the Request statuses mean? |
title | String | The name of the request. |
request_id | String | The unique identifier of the request. |
attachment | String | Comma-separated string of all the attachment URLs. |
Use Zapier's built-in tools after this "Attachment Ready" trigger by:
Triggers when a new client is added (created) in OkaySend.
Sample Response:
{ "name": "John Doe", "email": "example@email.com", "phone": "", "company": "Acme Corporation", "created_at": 1690300434633, "id": "-NlybKR3qJYCzp_x7y-3", "account_id": "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company" }
Response Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the client (e.g., "John Doe"). |
String | The email address associated with the client (e.g., "example@email.com"). | |
phone | String | The phone number associated with the client. Returns empty string, if no phone number was provided. |
company | String | The name of the company or organization (e.g., "Acme Corporation"). Returns empty string, if no company name was provided. |
created_at | Number | The timestamp indicating the date and time when the record was created (e.g., 1690300434633). |
id | String | A unique identifier for the client added (e.g., "-NlybKR3qJYCzp_x7y-3"). |
account_id | String | The unique identifier of your OkaySend account (e.g., "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company"). |
Triggers when an existing client is updated in OkaySend.
Sample Response:
{ "name": "John Doe", "email": "example@email.com", "phone": "", "company": "Acme Corporation", "created_at": 1690300434633, "id": "-NlybKR3qJYCzp_x7y-3", "account_id": "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company" }
Response Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the client (e.g., "John Doe"). |
String | The email address associated with the client (e.g., "example@email.com"). | |
phone | String | The phone number associated with the client. Returns empty string, if no phone number was provided. |
company | String | The name of the company or organization (e.g., "Acme Corporation"). Returns empty string, if no company name was provided. |
id | String | A unique identifier for the client updated (e.g., "-NlybKR3qJYCzp_x7y-3"). |
account_id | String | The unique identifier of your OkaySend account (e.g., "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company"). |
Triggers when a field is filled, completed, and marked "done" in OkaySend.
Sample Response:
{ "title": "Please upload your company graphics", "desc": "Please ensure the graphics provided are clear and of high quality, they will be used on promotional materials.
", "type": "type_upload", "value": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/attachment-zapier-test.png?alt=media&token=a94e766a-a010-4934-9228-9870c4ae463e,https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/upload-zapier-test.JPG?alt=media&token=a04a5fca-710f-4785-852c-72f5aefbd763", "status": "done", "is_required": false, "id": "-Nly4iRLY4YCzp_y7y-3", "section_title": "Section 1", "section_id": "example_section_id_123", "request_title": "Example Checklist", "request_id": "example_id_123", "account_id": "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company" }
Response Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
title | String | The title of the field or the question (e.g., "Please upload your company graphics"). |
desc | String | The description of the field or question. It may contain HTML content (e.g., "Please ensure the graphics provided are clear and of high quality, they will be used on promotional materials."). |
type | String | The type of the request (e.g., "type_upload"). See: How many types of fields/questions can be added? |
value | String | The URLs of the uploaded graphics. (e.g., In this sample response, it is a comma-separated string of image URLs "https://.../attachment-zapier-test.png,https://.../upload-zapier-test.JPG"). |
status | String | The status of the field or question (e.g., "done"). |
is_required | Boolean | Indicates whether the response for the field is required (e.g., false). |
id | String | A unique identifier for the field (e.g., "-Nly4iRLY4YCzp_y7y-3"). |
section_title | String | The title of the section to which the field belongs (e.g., "Section 1"). |
section_id | String | The unique identifier for the section to which the field belongs (e.g., "example_section_id_123"). |
request_title | String | The title of the request to which the field belongs (e.g., "Example Checklist"). |
request_id | String | The unique identifier for the request to which the field belongs (e.g., "example_id_123"). |
account_id | String | The unique identifier of with the OkaySend account (e.g., "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company"). |
A field may trigger the "Field Completed" trigger more than once in the case where the client edits their response.
Will not trigger for existing requests. May only work for requests created after the trigger is set up and live.
Use the Zapier's built-in Filter tool to check the type of the field. Field types that can have more than 1 value (and have collected more than 1 value) will always be returned as a comma-separated string. (e.g. "type_upload", "type_multi", and "type_checkbox")
Triggers when a response to a field is approved in OkaySend or, in other words, when the status of the field changes to "approved".
Sample Response:
{ "title": "Please upload your company graphics", "desc": "Please ensure the graphics provided are clear and of high quality, they will be used on promotional materials.
", "type": "type_upload", "value": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/attachment-zapier-test.png?alt=media&token=a94e766a-a010-4934-9228-9870c4ae463e,https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/upload-zapier-test.JPG?alt=media&token=a04a5fca-710f-4785-852c-72f5aefbd763", "status": "approved", "is_required": false, "id": "-Nly4iRLY4YCzp_y7y-3", "section_title": "Section 1", "section_id": "example_section_id_123", "request_title": "Example Checklist", "request_id": "example_id_123", "account_id": "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company", "client": { "name": "Jon Snow", "email": "example@email.com", "phone": "", "company": "King in the North", "id": "-Nly4iRLY4YCzp_y7y-3" } }
Response Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
title | String | The title of the field or the question (e.g., "Please upload your company graphics"). |
desc | String | The description of the field or question. It may contain HTML content (e.g., "Please ensure the graphics provided are clear and of high quality, they will be used on promotional materials."). |
type | String | The type of the request (e.g., "type_upload"). See: How many types of fields/questions can be added? |
value | String | The URLs of the uploaded graphics. (e.g., In this sample response, it is a comma-separated string of image URLs "https://.../attachment-zapier-test.png,https://.../upload-zapier-test.JPG"). |
status | String | The status of the field or question (e.g., "approved"). |
is_required | Boolean | Indicates whether the response for the field is required (e.g., false). |
id | String | A unique identifier for the field (e.g., "-Nly4iRLY4YCzp_y7y-3"). |
section_title | String | The title of the section to which the field belongs (e.g., "Section 1"). |
section_id | String | The unique identifier for the section to which the field belongs (e.g., "example_section_id_123"). |
request_title | String | The title of the request to which the field belongs (e.g., "Example Checklist"). |
request_id | String | The unique identifier for the request to which the field belongs (e.g., "example_id_123"). |
account_id | String | The unique identifier of with the OkaySend account (e.g., "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company"). |
Use the Zapier's built-in Filter tool to check the type of the field. Field types that can have more than 1 value (and have collected more than 1 value) will always be returned as a comma-separated string. (e.g. "type_upload", "type_multi", and "type_checkbox")
Triggers when a response to a field is rejected in OkaySend or, in other words, when the status of the field changes to "rejected".
Sample Response:
{ "title": "Please upload your company graphics", "desc": "Please ensure the graphics provided are clear and of high quality, they will be used on promotional materials.
", "type": "type_upload", "value": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/attachment-zapier-test.png?alt=media&token=a94e766a-a010-4934-9228-9870c4ae463e,https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/upload-zapier-test.JPG?alt=media&token=a04a5fca-710f-4785-852c-72f5aefbd763", "status": "rejected", "is_required": false, "id": "-Nly4iRLY4YCzp_y7y-3", "section_title": "Section 1", "section_id": "example_section_id_123", "request_title": "Example Checklist", "request_id": "example_id_123", "account_id": "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company", "client": { "name": "Jon Snow", "email": "example@email.com", "phone": "", "company": "King in the North", "id": "-Nly4iRLY4YCzp_y7y-3" } }
Response Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
title | String | The title of the field or the question (e.g., "Please upload your company graphics"). |
desc | String | The description of the field or question. It may contain HTML content (e.g., "Please ensure the graphics provided are clear and of high quality, they will be used on promotional materials."). |
type | String | The type of the request (e.g., "type_upload"). See: How many types of fields/questions can be added? |
value | String | The URLs of the uploaded graphics. (e.g., In this sample response, it is a comma-separated string of image URLs "https://.../attachment-zapier-test.png,https://.../upload-zapier-test.JPG"). |
status | String | The status of the field or question (e.g., "rejected"). |
is_required | Boolean | Indicates whether the response for the field is required (e.g., false). |
id | String | A unique identifier for the field (e.g., "-Nly4iRLY4YCzp_y7y-3"). |
section_title | String | The title of the section to which the field belongs (e.g., "Section 1"). |
section_id | String | The unique identifier for the section to which the field belongs (e.g., "example_section_id_123"). |
request_title | String | The title of the request to which the field belongs (e.g., "Example Checklist"). |
request_id | String | The unique identifier for the request to which the field belongs (e.g., "example_id_123"). |
account_id | String | The unique identifier of with the OkaySend account (e.g., "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company"). |
Use the Zapier's built-in Filter tool to check the type of the field. Field types that can have more than 1 value (and have collected more than 1 value) will always be returned as a comma-separated string. (e.g. "type_upload", "type_multi", and "type_checkbox")
Triggers when a request is marked "done" and archived.
Sample Response:
{ "blocks": { "-NfEL-9ppiMrh7rWurtd": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Company Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfELB2HQ1R9NA4IyU4n": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Sponsor Representative Full Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfELEYVQ8tO5Xx3P71V": { "desc": "What's your role within the company? Feel free to explain or mention more than one title if what you do cannot be defined by a single category.
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Position/Job Title", "type": "type_long" }, "-NfELUhU5As3_1L7tOyU": { "isRequired": false, "status": "done", "title": "Business Address", "type": "type_long" }, "-NfELkVOWDvsXF-v9ggf": { "desc": "Here, you can provide us with one or multiple contact numbers that we can reach you on if we need to discuss anything with you.
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Business Contact Number(s)", "type": "type_phone" }, "-NfELrzftu9omDy8vLqR": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Business Email Address", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfELurYdqSCOM6KVL9_": { "isRequired": false, "status": "done", "title": "Company Website", "type": "type_url" }, "-NfELylOFCUEkAVBk9Ym": { "desc": "Please ensure the graphics provided are clear and of high quality, they will be used on promotional materials.
", "isRequired": false, "status": "done", "title": "Company Graphics", "type": "type_upload", "upload_rules": { "allow_any": false, "allowed_types": [ "drawing", "image" ], "max_files": "3", "max_size": "5" } }, "-NfEM7dOdGhaQhpo0Mt6": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Host Organisation’s Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMGFX4zD3rG-arLso": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMMs1b76oQq8vnSmO": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Description", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMVfoZ9_r1RMb8crm": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Date", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMVxl6mZJJCpo39e9": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Location", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMfE5b4b74BwpStCR": { "desc": "Here, we're looking for a number of [INSERT DESIRED CURRENCY HERE]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Sponsorship Description", "type": "type_long" }, "-NfEMs6V2QqKraVW_L8a": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Have you previously sponsored any other events of ours in the past?", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMurFAPCkWSdGZuY8": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "What is your preferred payment method for sponsorship?", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMy3xz4IWi9am2Q7i": { "desc": "Use this part to let us know of anything you'd like to mention. For example, this could be information that doesn't quite fit within the above categories, questions regarding this form and the next steps, etc.
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Is there anything else we should know that you'd like to add?", "type": "type_long" } }, "clients": { "-N_pWd3qJCDqrO1Zzu_Apt": { "company": "Let me search LLC", "created_at": 1689893924614, "email": "j.paul@gmail.com", "id": "-N_pWd3qJCDqrO1Zzu_Apt", "name": "John Paul", "phone": "+11234567890", "timestamp": -1689893923878 }, "-exampleJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW": { "company": "Acme LLC", "created_at": 1689893924614, "email": "jane.smith@gmail.com", "id": "-exampleJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW", "name": "Jane Smith", "phone": "", "timestamp": -1689893923878 } }, "multi_clients": true, "login": false, "client": { "company": "Acme LLC", "created_at": 1689893924614, "email": "jane.smith@gmail.com", "id": "-exampleJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW", "name": "Jane Smith", "phone": "", "timestamp": -1689893923878 }, "client_id": "-exampleJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW", "due_date": 1699210800000, "entity": "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company", "outline": [ { "-NfEL-9o_tyyY23c1Yya": [ "-NfEL-9ppiMrh7rWurtd", "-NfELB2HQ1R9NA4IyU4n", "-NfELEYVQ8tO5Xx3P71V", "-NfELUhU5As3_1L7tOyU", "-NfELkVOWDvsXF-v9ggf", "-NfELrzftu9omDy8vLqR", "-NfELurYdqSCOM6KVL9_", "-NfELylOFCUEkAVBk9Ym" ] }, { "-NfEM6cbnY0o1c-FUqz-": [ "-NfEM7dOdGhaQhpo0Mt6", "-NfEMGFX4zD3rG-arLso", "-NfEMMs1b76oQq8vnSmO", "-NfEMVfoZ9_r1RMb8crm", "-NfEMVxl6mZJJCpo39e9", "-NfEMfE5b4b74BwpStCR", "-NfEMlcTFyjPywpP6XAp", "-NfEMs6V2QqKraVW_L8a", "-NfEMurFAPCkWSdGZuY8", "-NfEMy3xz4IWi9am2Q7i" ] } ], "progress": 100, "reminder_sched": { "due_date": 1699210800000, "id": "default-d-1cUNj9cgy6i9", "sched": [ null, { "date": "submit", "days": "0", "when": "after" }, { "date": "submit", "days": "5", "when": "after" }, { "date": "due", "days": "5", "when": "before" }, { "date": "due", "days": "3", "when": "before" }, { "date": "due", "days": "0", "when": "after" }, { "date": "due", "days": "2", "when": "after" } ], "sent_date": 1698640152432, "title": "Default" }, "response": { "-NfEL-9ppiMrh7rWurtd": { "value": "Acme LLC" }, "-NfELB2HQ1R9NA4IyU4n": { "value": "Jane Smith" }, "-NfELEYVQ8tO5Xx3P71V": { "value": "CEO" }, "-NfELkVOWDvsXF-v9ggf": { "value": "+12312322334" }, "-NfELrzftu9omDy8vLqR": { "value": "jane.smith@gmail.com" }, "-NfELurYdqSCOM6KVL9_": { "value": "https://example.com" }, "-NfELylOFCUEkAVBk9Ym": { "files": { "-NiVN5DUtuj2CiugYJrl": { "name": "WhatsApp Image 2023-10-30 at 15.57.34_bd6d9a23.jpg", "size": 147359, "type": "image/jpeg", "url": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/files%2F1cUNLlSo8xaCNajIjG4WlpHgbK23_Company%2F-NiVN5DUtuj2CiugYJrl-WhatsApp%20Image%202023-10-30%20at%2015.57.34_bd6d9a23.jpg?alt=media&token=71973d8a-3f22-40f3-bacc-dbe08b5e9cdf" }, "-NigN_AaVuVDvDFYRgZY": { "name": "365782767_10161414285368028_1057165387620020197_n.jpg", "size": 168714, "type": "image/jpeg", "url": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/files%2F1cUNLlSo8xaCNajIjG4WlpHgbK23_Company%2F-NigN_AaVuVDvDFYRgZY-365782767_10161414285368028_1057165387620020197_n.jpg?alt=media&token=d1bbc82d-720a-4274-bf6f-fd6e5fa96625" } } }, "-NfEM7dOdGhaQhpo0Mt6": { "value": "XYZ Tech Solutions" }, "-NfEMGFX4zD3rG-arLso": { "value": "TechFest 2023" }, "-NfEMMs1b76oQq8vnSmO": { "value": "A dynamic technology conference showcasing the latest innovations and trends." }, "-NfEMVfoZ9_r1RMb8crm": { "value": "12/5/2023" }, "-NfEMVxl6mZJJCpo39e9": { "value": "City Convention Center" }, "-NfEMfE5b4b74BwpStCR": { "value": "10,000" }, "-NfEMlcTFyjPywpP6XAp": { "value": "We are thrilled to support TechFest 2023 and contribute towards its success. Our sponsorship will specifically go towards enhancing the event experience. This includes providing cutting-edge tech displays and five large interactive booths ensuring a wonderful experience for all attendees." }, "-NfEMs6V2QqKraVW_L8a": { "value": "no" }, "-NfEMurFAPCkWSdGZuY8": { "value": "Bank transfer" }, "-NfEMy3xz4IWi9am2Q7i": { "value": "" } }, "sections": { "-NfEL-9o_tyyY23c1Yya": { "title": "Company Information" }, "-NfEM6cbnY0o1c-FUqz-": { "title": "Sponsorship information" } }, "sent_date": 1698640152432, "status": "archived", "title": "Example Checklist Sponsor Info", "request_id": "example_id_123" }
Response Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
blocks | Object | A JSON object containing information about different blocks. |
multi_clients | Boolean | Will be set to true if the request was sent to multiple clients. |
login | Boolean | Will be set to true if the request requires email verification from all clients for access. |
clients | Object | Details about all the clients, including company name, email, and other information. |
client | Object | Details about the client, including company name, email, and other information. |
client_id | String | The unique identifier for the client. |
due_date | Number | The due date for the request. A timestamp. |
entity | String | The unique identifier of your OkaySend account otherwise referred to as Account ID or Company ID. |
outline | Array | A list of Objects containing the section IDs and the block IDs. |
progress | Number | The progress of the checklist. A percentage-based progress indicator, where 0 represents no progress, and 100 represents completion or full progress. |
reminder_sched | Object | Details about the rules that OkaySend follows to send reminders. |
response | Object | Details about the responses collected from the client. Includes the block ID (ID for the question) and the value (input from the client) properties. |
sections | Object | A JSON object of the sections that group the blocks. Includes the section ID and the title (name of the section) properties. |
sent_date | Number | The timestamp of the request when it was first finalized and sent. |
status | String | The current status of the request. See What do the Request statuses mean? |
title | String | The name of the request. |
request_id | String | The unique identifier of the request. |
Triggers when a request is first moved from "Drafts" to "Sent".
Sample Response:
{ "blocks": { "-NfEL-9ppiMrh7rWurtd": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Company Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfELB2HQ1R9NA4IyU4n": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Sponsor Representative Full Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfELEYVQ8tO5Xx3P71V": { "desc": "What's your role within the company? Feel free to explain or mention more than one title if what you do cannot be defined by a single category.
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Position/Job Title", "type": "type_long" }, "-NfELUhU5As3_1L7tOyU": { "isRequired": false, "status": "done", "title": "Business Address", "type": "type_long" }, "-NfELkVOWDvsXF-v9ggf": { "desc": "Here, you can provide us with one or multiple contact numbers that we can reach you on if we need to discuss anything with you.
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Business Contact Number(s)", "type": "type_phone" }, "-NfELrzftu9omDy8vLqR": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Business Email Address", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfELurYdqSCOM6KVL9_": { "isRequired": false, "status": "done", "title": "Company Website", "type": "type_url" }, "-NfELylOFCUEkAVBk9Ym": { "desc": "Please ensure the graphics provided are clear and of high quality, they will be used on promotional materials.
", "isRequired": false, "status": "done", "title": "Company Graphics", "type": "type_upload", "upload_rules": { "allow_any": false, "allowed_types": [ "drawing", "image" ], "max_files": "3", "max_size": "5" } }, "-NfEM7dOdGhaQhpo0Mt6": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Host Organisation’s Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMGFX4zD3rG-arLso": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Name", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMMs1b76oQq8vnSmO": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Description", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMVfoZ9_r1RMb8crm": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Date", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMVxl6mZJJCpo39e9": { "desc": "[THIS FIELD IS DESIGNED TO BE PRE-FILLED FOR THE CLIENT]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Event Location", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMfE5b4b74BwpStCR": { "desc": "Here, we're looking for a number of [INSERT DESIRED CURRENCY HERE]
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Sponsorship Description", "type": "type_long" }, "-NfEMs6V2QqKraVW_L8a": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Have you previously sponsored any other events of ours in the past?", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMurFAPCkWSdGZuY8": { "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "What is your preferred payment method for sponsorship?", "type": "type_short" }, "-NfEMy3xz4IWi9am2Q7i": { "desc": "Use this part to let us know of anything you'd like to mention. For example, this could be information that doesn't quite fit within the above categories, questions regarding this form and the next steps, etc.
", "isRequired": true, "status": "done", "title": "Is there anything else we should know that you'd like to add?", "type": "type_long" } }, "clients": { "-N_pWd3qJCDqrO1Zzu_Apt": { "company": "Let me search LLC", "created_at": 1689893924614, "email": "j.paul@gmail.com", "id": "-N_pWd3qJCDqrO1Zzu_Apt", "name": "John Paul", "phone": "+11234567890", "timestamp": -1689893923878 }, "-exampleJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW": { "company": "Acme LLC", "created_at": 1689893924614, "email": "jane.smith@gmail.com", "id": "-exampleJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW", "name": "Jane Smith", "phone": "", "timestamp": -1689893923878 } }, "multi_clients": true, "login": false, "client": { "company": "Acme LLC", "created_at": 1689893924614, "email": "jane.smith@gmail.com", "id": "-exampleJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW", "name": "Jane Smith", "phone": "", "timestamp": -1689893923878 }, "client_id": "-exampleJCDqrO1ZzuAPJCDW", "due_date": 1699210800000, "entity": "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company", "outline": [ { "-NfEL-9o_tyyY23c1Yya": [ "-NfEL-9ppiMrh7rWurtd", "-NfELB2HQ1R9NA4IyU4n", "-NfELEYVQ8tO5Xx3P71V", "-NfELUhU5As3_1L7tOyU", "-NfELkVOWDvsXF-v9ggf", "-NfELrzftu9omDy8vLqR", "-NfELurYdqSCOM6KVL9_", "-NfELylOFCUEkAVBk9Ym" ] }, { "-NfEM6cbnY0o1c-FUqz-": [ "-NfEM7dOdGhaQhpo0Mt6", "-NfEMGFX4zD3rG-arLso", "-NfEMMs1b76oQq8vnSmO", "-NfEMVfoZ9_r1RMb8crm", "-NfEMVxl6mZJJCpo39e9", "-NfEMfE5b4b74BwpStCR", "-NfEMlcTFyjPywpP6XAp", "-NfEMs6V2QqKraVW_L8a", "-NfEMurFAPCkWSdGZuY8", "-NfEMy3xz4IWi9am2Q7i" ] } ], "progress": 100, "reminder_sched": { "due_date": 1699210800000, "id": "default-d-1cUNj9cgy6i9", "sched": [ null, { "date": "submit", "days": "0", "when": "after" }, { "date": "submit", "days": "5", "when": "after" }, { "date": "due", "days": "5", "when": "before" }, { "date": "due", "days": "3", "when": "before" }, { "date": "due", "days": "0", "when": "after" }, { "date": "due", "days": "2", "when": "after" } ], "sent_date": 1698640152432, "title": "Default" }, "response": { "-NfEL-9ppiMrh7rWurtd": { "value": "Acme LLC" }, "-NfELB2HQ1R9NA4IyU4n": { "value": "Jane Smith" }, "-NfELEYVQ8tO5Xx3P71V": { "value": "CEO" }, "-NfELkVOWDvsXF-v9ggf": { "value": "+12312322334" }, "-NfELrzftu9omDy8vLqR": { "value": "jane.smith@gmail.com" }, "-NfELurYdqSCOM6KVL9_": { "value": "https://example.com" }, "-NfELylOFCUEkAVBk9Ym": { "files": { "-NiVN5DUtuj2CiugYJrl": { "name": "WhatsApp Image 2023-10-30 at 15.57.34_bd6d9a23.jpg", "size": 147359, "type": "image/jpeg", "url": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/files%2F1cUNLlSo8xaCNajIjG4WlpHgbK23_Company%2F-NiVN5DUtuj2CiugYJrl-WhatsApp%20Image%202023-10-30%20at%2015.57.34_bd6d9a23.jpg?alt=media&token=71973d8a-3f22-40f3-bacc-dbe08b5e9cdf" }, "-NigN_AaVuVDvDFYRgZY": { "name": "365782767_10161414285368028_1057165387620020197_n.jpg", "size": 168714, "type": "image/jpeg", "url": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/farebin-af40f.appspot.com/o/files%2F1cUNLlSo8xaCNajIjG4WlpHgbK23_Company%2F-NigN_AaVuVDvDFYRgZY-365782767_10161414285368028_1057165387620020197_n.jpg?alt=media&token=d1bbc82d-720a-4274-bf6f-fd6e5fa96625" } } }, "-NfEM7dOdGhaQhpo0Mt6": { "value": "XYZ Tech Solutions" }, "-NfEMGFX4zD3rG-arLso": { "value": "TechFest 2023" }, "-NfEMMs1b76oQq8vnSmO": { "value": "A dynamic technology conference showcasing the latest innovations and trends." }, "-NfEMVfoZ9_r1RMb8crm": { "value": "12/5/2023" }, "-NfEMVxl6mZJJCpo39e9": { "value": "City Convention Center" }, "-NfEMfE5b4b74BwpStCR": { "value": "10,000" }, "-NfEMlcTFyjPywpP6XAp": { "value": "We are thrilled to support TechFest 2023 and contribute towards its success. Our sponsorship will specifically go towards enhancing the event experience. This includes providing cutting-edge tech displays and five large interactive booths ensuring a wonderful experience for all attendees." }, "-NfEMs6V2QqKraVW_L8a": { "value": "no" }, "-NfEMurFAPCkWSdGZuY8": { "value": "Bank transfer" }, "-NfEMy3xz4IWi9am2Q7i": { "value": "" } }, "sections": { "-NfEL-9o_tyyY23c1Yya": { "title": "Company Information" }, "-NfEM6cbnY0o1c-FUqz-": { "title": "Sponsorship information" } }, "sent_date": 1698640152432, "status": "sent", "title": "Example Checklist Sponsor Info", "request_id": "example_id_123" }
Response Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
blocks | Object | A JSON object containing information about different blocks. |
multi_clients | Boolean | Will be set to true if the request was sent to multiple clients. |
login | Boolean | Will be set to true if the request requires email verification from all clients for access. |
clients | Object | Details about all the clients, including company name, email, and other information. |
client | Object | Details about the client, including company name, email, and other information. |
client_id | String | The unique identifier for the client. |
due_date | Number | The due date for the request. A timestamp. |
entity | String | The unique identifier of your OkaySend account otherwise referred to as Account ID or Company ID. |
outline | Array | A list of Objects containing the section IDs and the block IDs. |
progress | Number | The progress of the checklist. A percentage-based progress indicator, where 0 represents no progress, and 100 represents completion or full progress. |
reminder_sched | Object | Details about the rules that OkaySend follows to send reminders. |
response | Object | Details about the responses collected from the client. Includes the block ID (ID for the question) and the value (input from the client) properties. |
sections | Object | A JSON object of the sections that group the blocks. Includes the section ID and the title (name of the section) properties. |
sent_date | Number | The timestamp of the request when it was first finalized and sent. |
status | String | The current status of the request. See What do the Request statuses mean? |
title | String | The name of the request. |
request_id | String | The unique identifier of the request. |
This action adds a new Client.
Request Body Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the client. |
String | The email address of the client. | |
phone | String | The phone number of the client. (optional) |
company | String | The name of the company where the client works. (optional) |
account_id | String | The unique identifier of your OkaySend account. |
Sample Response:
{ "name": "John Doe", "email": "example@email.com", "phone": "", "company": "Acme Co.", "created_at": 1702439585093, "id": "-NlWIcIuho_bzkwXyVUu", "account_id": "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company" }
Response Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the client (e.g., "John Doe"). |
String | The email address associated with the client (e.g., "example@email.com"). | |
phone | String | The phone number associated with the client. Returns empty string, if no phone number was provided. |
company | String | The name of the company or organization (e.g., "Acme Co."). Returns empty string, if no company name was provided. |
id | String | A unique identifier for the client updated (e.g., "-NlWIcIuho_bzkwXyVUu"). |
created_at | Number | The timestamp indicating the date and time when the client record was created (e.g., 1690300434633). |
account_id | String | The unique identifier of your OkaySend account (e.g., "example1aCN3qJCDWuAPWdbK23_Company"). |
This action creates a new Checklist and sends the Request for info.
Request Body Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
title | String | The title or name of the request. |
template | String | The template ID for the template to use to create the request. |
login | Boolean | Set to true if you require email verification from client(s) for access. |
client | String/String[] | The client ID used to find an exsisting client to send the request to. Will be a string or an array in the case where the request has multiple clients. (optional) |
due_date | Date | The deadline or due date associated with the request. Required if client is sent. |
reminder_sched | Object | The schedule ID for the reminder schedule to use for the request. Required if client is sent. |
account_id | String | The unique identifier for your OkaySend account. |
uid | String | The unique identifier for the user (you) who is creating this request. |
Following is an example response from the zapierCreateRequest action in Zapier. It demonstrates the format and data structure you can expect when a new request is successfully created.
Sample Response:
{ "id": "-NmOn1FzhnHbmjargTXa", "title": "New Example Request", "account_id": "1cUNLlSo8xaCNaIjG4WlpHgbK2example", "status": "sent", "sent_date": 1703382739515, "due_date": 1703894400000, "link": "https://okaysend.com/u/request?id=-NmOn1FzhnHbmjargTXa", "client": { "company": "", "created_at": 1690300289509, "email": "joesgreen@gmail.com", "id": "-NaCjpDMn8Fzh6GJez9J", "name": "joes green", "phone": "", "timestamp": -1690300289310 }, "clients": { "-NaCjpDMn8Fzh6GJez9J": { "company": "", "created_at": 1690300289509, "email": "joesgreen@gmail.com", "id": "-NaCjpDMn8Fzh6GJez9J", "is_active": true, "name": "joes green", "phone": "", "timestamp": -1690300289310 } }, "login": false, "multi_clients": false, "reminder_sched": { "sched": [ null, { "date": "submit", "days": "0", "when": "after" } ], "title": "No Follow-Up Reminders", "sent_date": 1703382739515, "due_date": 1703894400000 } }
Response Payload:
Property Name | Type | Description |
id | String | The unique identifier for the request. |
title | String | The title of the request, indicating its purpose or content (e.g., "New Example Request"). |
account_id | String | The unique identifier of your OkaySend account. |
status | String | The current status of the request (Will always be "sent"). |
sent_date | Number | The timestamp when the request was sent. |
due_date | Number | The deadline or due date for the request. (May not return a value) |
link | String | The (public) link to access the request on OkaySend. You may send it to your client. |
multi_clients | Boolean | Will be set to true if the request was sent to multiple clients. |
login | Boolean | Will be set to true if the request requires email verification from all clients for access. |
clients | Object | Information about all the clients, including name, email, and company. (May return an empty object) |
client | Object | Information about the client, including name, email, and company. (May return an empty object) |
reminder_sched | Object | Details about the reminder schedule for the request. (May return an empty object) |
You may create a Request without a Client. In that case, you'll be responsible for sharing the Request's link with your Client yourself.
Note: Request will be marked as "Active" and may count against your Active Request quota. See: What is an active Request?
Note: Request becomes available to be filled out instantly and the status changes to "sent".
Note: "client" represents different things in the request payload and the request's actual response.
Learn more: How to send a Request?
API Errors
OkaySend uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request.
Codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error given the information provided (e.g. a required parameter was omitted), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with the OkaySend service itself.
Parameter | Description |
400 | Bad Request - The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax. |
401 | Unauthorized - Your API key is wrong or the access token has expired. |
403 | Limit Reached - Please make requests inactive, permanently delete requests to clear space, or upgrade your account. |
404 | Not Found - The requested resource is not found. |
500 | Internal Error - Our servers encountered an unexpected error while fetching or updating data to our database. |
503 | Service Unavailable - We’re temporarily offline. Please try again later. |