1. Instructions

    1. Instructions

  2. Your Brand

    1. *Describe your brand’s tone/voice

    2. *What tone are you looking to use across social media?

    3. *What’s your brand’s primary message?

    4. *What sets your brand apart from your competitors?

    5. *What products/services do you consider to be the core of your brand?

  3. Your Goals

    1. *What is your brand’s objective?

    2. *What are your ultimate goals for sales and marketing?

    3. *What are you hoping to achieve with social media?

    4. *What are the biggest barriers/obstacles to your success on social media?

    5. *In what way does social media fit into your brand’s growth plan?

  4. Your Target Audience

    1. *Describe your target audience

    2. *What are their buying patterns and preferences online shopping wise?

    3. *Where are the majority of your customers based geographically?

    4. *What needs do your customers have? What problems do they face?

    5. *How does your brand cater/respond to those needs and problems?

  5. Your Social Media Activity and Tools

    1. *Have you previously spent any money on social advertising?

    2. *Which social media platforms do you currently have profiles on?

    3. *Are you looking to expand onto new platforms?

    4. *Up until now, what tools have you used to manage your social media profiles?

    5. *How does your online presence compare to that of your competitors?

  6. Your Content

    1. *What type(s) of content are you looking to create for your audience (videos, images, testimonials, blog posts, etc)?

    2. *What resources are you currently relying on for content creation?

    3. *Describe your current process for creating a piece of content, from inception to completion

    4. *How often are you looking to publish new content to your profiles?

    5. *Which time(s) during the day do you find are the best to post your content for maximum engagement?

  7. Your Expectations

    1. *What do you expect from us as your social media manager?

    2. *What social media analytics and reports do you want to see? How often?

    3. *Who should be our main point of contact at the business? Provide their details

    4. *How much involvement/control are you looking to have?

    5. *What level of input do you want to have into campaigns?

Social Media Questionnaire

Social Media Questionnaire

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Getting started

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*Describe your brand’s tone/voice

*What tone are you looking to use across social media?

We're interested in knowing if you're looking to replicate your general tone across social media or if you feel you'd like to express something a little different. E.g: more/less playful, more/less serious, etc

*What’s your brand’s primary message?

*What sets your brand apart from your competitors?

*What products/services do you consider to be the core of your brand?

*What is your brand’s objective?

This refers to your objective when you started the brand. E.g: to make money, to raise awareness for something, to solve problems, to fill a gap in the market, etc

*What are your ultimate goals for sales and marketing?

*What are you hoping to achieve with social media?

*What are the biggest barriers/obstacles to your success on social media?

Here, we'd like to know if can you pinpoint anything you think has made it difficult for you to experience success on social media based on your time using it so far.

*In what way does social media fit into your brand’s growth plan?

*Describe your target audience

We'd ideally like you to define the following information about your target audience for us: age, gender, income level, education level, marital or family status, occupation, ethnic background, personality, interests/hobbies and values. Anything else you can add will also be valuable information to us.

*What are their buying patterns and preferences online shopping wise?

*Where are the majority of your customers based geographically?

You can list countries, cities, towns, etc - anything that'll help us identify the location of your current clientele. 

*What needs do your customers have? What problems do they face?

*How does your brand cater/respond to those needs and problems?

*Have you previously spent any money on social advertising?

If yes, we'd like you provide us with as many details as possible regarding those campaigns. How much money was spent each time? How long did each campaign run? On which social media platforms? Independently or with an agency? What were the success levels?

*Which social media platforms do you currently have profiles on?

  • Instagram

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Tumblr

  • Snapchat

  • Pinterest

  • LinkedIn

  • Youtube

  • TikTok

  • Blog

  • Reddit

  • Mix

*Are you looking to expand onto new platforms?

*Up until now, what tools have you used to manage your social media profiles?

*How does your online presence compare to that of your competitors?

If you can, it would also be helpful if you could cite at least three key competitors and provide us with URLs for them. 

*What type(s) of content are you looking to create for your audience (videos, images, testimonials, blog posts, etc)?

You can list as many things as you like here. You can even describe conceptual ideas for types of content you'd like us to help you bring to life.

*What resources are you currently relying on for content creation?

*Describe your current process for creating a piece of content, from inception to completion

*How often are you looking to publish new content to your profiles?

*Which time(s) during the day do you find are the best to post your content for maximum engagement?

  • Early Morning

  • Midmorning

  • Early Afternoon

  • Midday

  • Midafternoon

  • Night

  • Evening

  • I'm not sure

*What do you expect from us as your social media manager?

*What social media analytics and reports do you want to see? How often?

*Who should be our main point of contact at the business? Provide their details

Ideally, this will be the individual we'll correspond with regarding desired campaigns and content. This will also be the person that'll have their say and be able to aid us in making decisions/approving content. If you'd like more than one individual to be involved in the above processes, feel free to leave contact information for up to two more people.

*How much involvement/control are you looking to have?

*What level of input do you want to have into campaigns?