1. Instructions

    1. Instructions

  2. Basic Information

    1. Please provide the name of your company here.

    2. What does your company do? What are the main products/services you offer?

    3. Describe briefly who your ideal customer is.

    4. How long has your company been operating?

    5. In your opinion, what sets you apart from others?

    6. Who are your major competitors?

    7. Do you run your business exclusively online?

    8. Geographically, what is the scope of your business?

  3. Technical Information

    1. Have you previously worked with any other SEO companies in the past?

    2. Have you or any company on your behalf previously done any link building in the past?

    3. Do you have an in-house designer or developer?

    4. What type of CMS are you currently using for your website?

    5. Do you have access to Google Analytics, Adwords and Search Console?

    6. To your knowledge, has your website ever been penalised by Google?

    7. Are you in possession of any additional domain names in relation to the main one?

    8. Do you know of any websites or publications frequently read by your target audience?

    9. Do you have an idea of any potential keywords you’d like to target?

  4. Content management

    1. Do you have any pre-existing content for the website? If so, has it been optimized for SEO?

    2. What does your planned content schedule look like?

    3. How do you intend to promote new content?

    4. Do you have any branding standards/guidelines for your company?

    5. Do you have a preferred tone or writing style when it comes to content?

  5. Budget and Expectations

    1. To what extent do you understand the concept of SEO?

    2. What are your primary objectives and KPIs when it comes to SEO?

    3. Ideally, within what timeframe are you looking to see SEO results?

    4. What is your monthly budget for SEO?

    5. What kind of reports would you like to see from us and how often?

  6. Design and Maintenance

    1. Is website redesign something you’re open to? If so, what would your budget be for such a project?

    2. Would you require website maintenance and updating from us? If so, how often and what would your budget be for maintenance?

  7. Other

    1. Is there anything else that you'd like to add?

SEO Questionnaire

SEO Questionnaire

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Thank you for your interest in our services. Before we get started, we're going to need some information from you.

What do you need to know?

  1. Provide all required information here using this form.
  2. Click ✓ Ok to submit and check off each request.
  3. Drafts are saved automatically and your progress restored (so you don't have to complete the checklist in one go

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Click the message icon in the top left corner to leave a message or comment for the question or section you're stuck in or need help with.

Getting started

Click the ✓ Ok button below to get started.

Please provide the name of your company here.

What does your company do? What are the main products/services you offer?

This can be very useful in helping us discover and determine which keywords would be ideal to focus on.

Describe briefly who your ideal customer is.

We'd ideally like you to define the following information about your target audience for us: age, gender, income level, education level, marital or family status, occupation, ethnic background, personality, interests/hobbies and values. Anything else you can add will also be valuable information to us.

How long has your company been operating?

In your opinion, what sets you apart from others?

What's your USP? What problems do you solve for your customers that others can't? 

Who are your major competitors?

If you can, name at least three major competitors that you're aware of within your sector.

Do you run your business exclusively online?

Geographically, what is the scope of your business?

Have you previously worked with any other SEO companies in the past?

If so, provide details regarding what was done and the results achieved. If not, write N/A.

Have you or any company on your behalf previously done any link building in the past?

If so, provide details regarding what was done and the results achieved. If not, write N/A.

Do you have an in-house designer or developer?

Due to certain technical elements of SEO, your website may require some design or structural changes. For this, it's vital for us to know if you already have a member of staff in place to implement those changes or if an external party is needed.

What type of CMS are you currently using for your website?

What type of CMS are you currently using for your website?

Do you have access to Google Analytics, Adwords and Search Console?

If you don't already have these tools, you will need to either implement them or allow us to when working on your SEO project. They're incredibly for analysing traffic to your website, researching keywords and monitoring how certain keywords rank. 

To your knowledge, has your website ever been penalised by Google?

If you've experienced a significant drop in traffic in the past, provide us with details surrounding that here as, whether or not you're sure of this being due to penalties, this could potentially help us figure out what might have happened and how to avoid a similar issue in the future. If not, write N/A.

Are you in possession of any additional domain names in relation to the main one?

Do you know of any websites or publications frequently read by your target audience?

In order to aid keyword research, if you can, please provide at least three websites or publications read by your target audience. 

Do you have an idea of any potential keywords you’d like to target?

If so, please list as many as possible here.

Do you have any pre-existing content for the website? If so, has it been optimized for SEO?

If you don't have any existing published content or website-ready drafts at all, write N/A.

What does your planned content schedule look like?

This will help us get an idea of how often you're looking to create and publish content, as well as what that process looks like.

How do you intend to promote new content?

In order to help us create an SEO plan that'll correspond nicely with your current promotion strategies, please provide us with a general idea of what your content promotion process looks like and who's involved. 

Do you have any branding standards/guidelines for your company?

Here, please provide us with details regarding the fonts, colour schemes, logos, etc that best represent your brand so that we can keep everything coherent.

Do you have a preferred tone or writing style when it comes to content?

Let us know of any requirements regarding the tone and writing style your brand would like to put across through the content created.

To what extent do you understand the concept of SEO?

If you don't quite understand SEO or there are certain elements you're struggling to get to grips with, let us know here.

What are your primary objectives and KPIs when it comes to SEO?

Ideally, within what timeframe are you looking to see SEO results?

Provide us with a rough estimate here.

What is your monthly budget for SEO?

Provide us with a rough estimate here.

What kind of reports would you like to see from us and how often?

Is website redesign something you’re open to? If so, what would your budget be for such a project?

If you're not open to this at all, write N/A.

Would you require website maintenance and updating from us? If so, how often and what would your budget be for maintenance?

If you won't require any maintenance at all from us, write N/A.

Is there anything else that you'd like to add?