1. Instructions

    1. Instructions

  2. Business information

    1. *Type of limited company

    2. *Company name

    3. *Registered office address

  3. Director(s) information

    1. Director(s) information instructions

    2. *Primary director's full name

    3. *Primary director's date of birth?

    4. *Primary director's service address

    5. *Primary director's residential address

    6. *Country of residence

    7. *Nationality

    8. *Business occupation

    9. Additional directors

  4. Shareholder(s) information

    1. Shareholder's information instructions

    2. *Shareholder's full name

    3. *Shareholder's address

    4. *Shareholder's security details

    5. *Class of shares and number of shares

    6. *Price paid per share

    7. *Additional shareholders

    8. *Person of Significant Control (PSC)

  5. Proof of ID

    1. Identification instructions

    2. Proof of name

    3. Proof of address

New Limited Company Setup (UK)

New Limited Company Setup (UK)

Old McDonalds

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Thank you for your interest in our services. Before we get started, we're going to need some information from you.

Outlined below is the information needed to complete a company incorporation in the United Kingdom.

Please ensure that all information you enter here is accurate and true.


Please use this checklist to provide the following:

  1. Business information
  2. Director(s) information
  3. Shareholder(s) information
  4. Proof of ID

What do you need to know?

  1. Provide all required information here using this form.
  2. Click ✓ Ok to submit and check off each request.
  3. Drafts are saved automatically and your progress restored (so you don't have to complete the checklist in one go

Need help?

Click the message icon in the top left corner to leave a message or comment for the question or section you're stuck in or need help with.

Getting started

Click the ✓ Ok button below to get started.

*Type of limited company

Please select the type of limited company

How you set up your business depends on what sort of work you do. It can also affect the way you pay tax and get funding. Most commonly used is private limited company LTD.

  • Private Limited Companies (LTD.)

  • Private Limited Company by Guarantee (LBG)

  • Public Limited Companies (PLCs)

  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

  • Private Unlimited Company

*Company name

Please enter the new proposed business name of your entity.

Note: A company's name cannot be identical to an existing name. If not done already, please use this link to check availability of name.

*Registered office address

It is the address to which government bodies, including Companies House and HMRC, send official correspondence and it is available for all to view on the public register.

A company’s registered office address must be situated in the same part of the UK in which the company is registered. For example, a company registered in England and Wales cannot have a registered office address in Scotland.

Post office box addresses are not acceptable.

Director(s) information instructions

Your company must have at least one director. Directors are legally responsible for running the company.

A director must be 16 or over.

Directors do not have to live in the UK but companies must have a UK registered office address.

Directors’ names and personal information are publicly available.

*Primary director's full name

What is the primary director's or officeholder's full legal name?

*Primary director's date of birth?

What is the primary director's date of birth?

*Primary director's service address

Please provide the full service address including town, county and postcode (for the public record).

The service address is the official address of the company officer and:

  1. will appear on the public record.
  2. can be situated anywhere in the world.
  3. must not be a PO Box number unless it forms part of a full address.

*Primary director's residential address

What is the primary director's residential address?

This is protected information which will not be displayed on the public record.

*Country of residence

What is the primary director's country of residence?


What is the primary director's nationality?

*Business occupation

What is the primary director's business occupation?

Please enter “None” or “Retired” if this is appropriate.

Additional directors

A company must have at least one director, however you can appoint more than one if you want to. Please let us know about any additional directors the company will have at time of incorporation.

If you have more than one director, please provide (by separating them on each line):

  1. Full name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Service address
  4. Residential address
  5. Country of residence
  6. Nationality
  7. Occupation

Note: Don't include the primary director's information here again.

Shareholder's information instructions

Shareholders own the shares in the company and may be people or companies.

You may have one or more shareholders. This section will require the company's initial shareholder details and the specific details of the shares held by each shareholder.

*Shareholder's full name

Please provide the primary shareholder's or the guarantor full legal name?

*Shareholder's address

What is the primary shareholder's correspondence address?

Note: Will be part of the public record

*Shareholder's security details

In order to file documents electronically Companies House will require an electronic signature for each subscriber only.

Please provide answers (by separating them on each line) to any 3 of the following security questions:

  1. Town of birth (first 3 letters required).
  2. Telephone number (last 3 digits required).
  3. National insurance number (last 3 digits required).
  4. Mother’s maiden name (first 3 letters required).
  5. Father’s first name (first 3 letters required).
  6. Passport number (last 3 digits required).

*Class of shares and number of shares

Please provide details regarding the class or type(s) and amount of share(s).

A company must issue at least one share to one shareholder.

For example, the two major types of shares are ordinary shares (common stock) and preference shares (preferred stock). The share class distinguishes between the different rights that may be assigned to different shares. Most proprietary companies use 'Ordinary Shares'.

The total number of shares the company issues represents the company's capital.

*Price paid per share

Please let us know of the amount per share or the price paid per share.

*Additional shareholders

A company must have at least one shareholder, however you can have more than one shareholders or guarantors. Please let us know about any additional shareholders the company has at time of incorporation.

If you have more than one shareholder, please provide (by separating them on each line):

  1. Full name
  2. Service address (residential or other address)
  3. Class of shares
  4. Number of shares
  5. Price paid per share

Note: Don't include the primary shareholder's details here again.

*Person of Significant Control (PSC)

Does any shareholder control and own 25% or more of the shares/share voting rights in this company?

If yes, please list their names.

Identification instructions

Who needs to provide identification?

  1. All persons named as directors
  2. All persons holding 25% or more of the voting shares

Proof of name

Please provide any of the following:

  • Copy of current passport (should not be expired)
  • National identity card with name and photograph of the applicant
  • UK or EEA photocard driving license

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Proof of address

Please provide any of the following:

  • Utility bill (gas, electric or water bill issued within the last three months)
  • Bank statement (or Building Society/Credit Union statement)
  • Mortgage statement from a recognized lender issued for the last full year
  • Council tax bill for the current council tax year

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