1. Instructions

    1. Instructions

  2. Company Information

    1. *Company Name

    2. *When was the company registered?

    3. *What type of ownership is your company under?

    4. *What is the Registration Certificate (RC) number?

    5. *Please provide your office phone number

    6. Please provide your customer support or service number

    7. *Office address

  3. Contact Information

    1. *Primary company contact's name

    2. Secondary company contact's name

    3. *Primary company contact email address

    4. Secondary company contact email address

    5. *Primary company contact phone number

    6. Secondary company contact phone number

    7. *What is the role of primary contact within the company?

    8. What is the role of secondary contact within the company?

  4. Website Details

    1. What is the name of your website?

    2. Please provide the website URL.

    3. What e-commerce platform do you use?

    4. Please specify the Website Development Platform.

    5. What products/services do you sell on the website?

    6. Do customers need to register for an account on your website before purchasing?

    7. *Roughly how long does it take for the products/services to be delivered to the customer?

    8. *How are these products/services delivered to the customer?

    9. Do you offer refunds?

  5. Financial Details

    1. *Is this a current account or savings account?

    2. *Please provide your account name.

    3. *Please provide your BVN (Bank Verification Number).

    4. *Please provide your account number.

  6. Pre-check Information

    1. *Please provide the legal name of the company.

    2. Registered DBA/trade name

    3. *Please indicate the country of incorporation.

    4. Please indicate the country of incorporation of your parent company

    5. *Name of UBO(s)

    6. *Nationality of UBO(s)

    7. Please provide any additional details regarding the products/services you offer

  7. Initial Documentation

    1. *Merchant Logo

    2. *Corporate Bank Account Details

    3. *Copy of Certificate of Incorporation

    4. Evidence of Service Delivery

    5. *Developer's Details

    6. *CAC Registration

    7. *Memorandum & Articles of Association

    8. *Valid ID of major shareholders

    9. Copy of Operational Licence

    10. *Details of Transactional History over the last 6 months

Merchant Onboarding Form

Merchant Onboarding Form

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Thank you for your interest in our services. Before we get started, we're going to need some information from you.

Please ensure that all information you enter here is accurate and true.

What do you need to know?

  1. Provide all required information here using this form.
  2. Click ✓ Ok to submit and check off each request.
  3. Drafts are saved automatically and your progress restored (so you don't have to complete the checklist in one go

Need help?

Click the message icon in the top left corner to leave a message or comment for the question or section you're stuck in or need help with.

Getting started

Click the ✓ Ok button below to get started.

*Company Name

*When was the company registered?

*What type of ownership is your company under?

  • Sole Owner

  • LLC

  • Partnership

  • Government

*What is the Registration Certificate (RC) number?

This is also known as your business name number.

*Please provide your office phone number

Please provide your customer support or service number

Please provide the customer service phone number, if different.

*Office address

*Primary company contact's name

Please provide the name of the person acting as the primary point of contact for your company.

Secondary company contact's name

Please provide the name of the person acting as the secondary point of contact for your company.

*Primary company contact email address

Secondary company contact email address

*Primary company contact phone number

Secondary company contact phone number

*What is the role of primary contact within the company?

What is the role of secondary contact within the company?

What is the name of your website?

Please provide the website URL.

What e-commerce platform do you use?

Please specify the Website Development Platform.

What products/services do you sell on the website?

Please provide a description of these.

Do customers need to register for an account on your website before purchasing?

*Roughly how long does it take for the products/services to be delivered to the customer?

*How are these products/services delivered to the customer?

E.g: delivered to their address by courier, downloadable online, etc.

Do you offer refunds?

Please describe your refund policy, if applicable.

*Is this a current account or savings account?

*Please provide your account name.

*Please provide your BVN (Bank Verification Number).

*Please provide your account number.

*Please provide the legal name of the company.

Registered DBA/trade name

This field is only required if applicable. 

*Please indicate the country of incorporation.

Please indicate the country of incorporation of your parent company

This field is only required if applicable

*Name of UBO(s)

UBO refers to the Ultimate Beneficial Owner.

*Nationality of UBO(s)

Please provide any additional details regarding the products/services you offer

*Merchant Logo

Choose fileor drag a file here

*Corporate Bank Account Details

Please provide either a cancelled cheque, a clear colored scan copy of a bank statement or a clear colored scanned copy of your bank's passbook.

Choose fileor drag a file here

*Copy of Certificate of Incorporation

Choose fileor drag a file here

Evidence of Service Delivery

Choose fileor drag a file here

*Developer's Details

Choose fileor drag a file here

*CAC Registration

Choose fileor drag a file here

*Memorandum & Articles of Association

Choose fileor drag a file here

*Valid ID of major shareholders

Choose fileor drag a file here

Copy of Operational Licence

Choose fileor drag a file here

*Details of Transactional History over the last 6 months

This should show sales volume, number of transactions, chargeback volume, number of chargebacks, refund volume and number of refunds.

Choose fileor drag a file here