1. Instructions

    1. Instructions

  2. Primary Contact Person Details

    1. Primary Contact Person Details

    2. *Contact person name

    3. *Contact person email address

    4. Contact person telephone number

    5. *Additional contact methods

  3. Secondary Contact Person Details

    1. *Contact person name TO DO

    2. *Contact person email address

    3. Contact person telephone number

    4. *Additional contact methods

  4. Basic Information

    1. *Company name

    2. *Business type

    3. Company telephone number

    4. Company email address

    5. Company physical address

    6. *How many years has the company been operating?

    7. *Number of employees

    8. Company website URL

  5. Materials

    1. *Please upload the company logo in all its current formats and styles

    2. Please upload the primary font that is used on the company's digital materials.

    3. Please upload the secondary font that is used on the company's digital materials.

  6. Products & Services

    1. What is the company's primary product and/or service?

    2. Service and/or product web page

    3. What problems do these products/services aim to solve?

    4. What is your most profitable product or service?

    5. What is your most popuar product or service?

    6. What is your primary value proposition?

    7. What is the main weakness in your business model?

    8. Is your product/service seasonal?

    9. If yes, provide the time periods during which you observe the highest sales

  7. Core Values & Purpose

    1. What are the company's core values?

    2. Core values links

    3. Describe the company using three adjectives

    4. What is the company's mission statement?

    5. What communication tone resonates with your customers?

  8. Strengths

    1. What is it that your company does better than your competitors?

    2. What do you believe to be your company's most valuable asset?

  9. What Threatens Your Company's Growth?

    1. What Threatens Your Company's Growth?

    2. *In the short term (6-12 months)

    3. *In the long term (12 months onwards)

  10. Price Points

    1. Price point URL

    2. Are you open to reconsidering these price points?

  11. Goals

    1. What is the primary strategic objective your company wants to achieve in the next 12 months?

    2. What additional goals do you have in mind during this time and beyond?

  12. General Customer Engagement

    1. Common customer objections

    2. How are these navigated currently?

    3. Name the main reasons your customers remain loyal

  13. Customer Type

    1. What best describes your customer group?

    2. If B2B, what industries do you aim to serve?

  14. Customer Profile Development

    1. Have you developed a customer profile set?

    2. If no, do you need our services to help you develop this?

  15. Customer Personas

    1. Customer Personas

    2. PROFILE 1

    3. PROFILE 2

    4. PROFILE 3

    5. PROFILE 4

    6. PROFILE 5

  16. Main Competitor

    1. Who is your main competitor?

    2. What is the URL to their website?

    3. In what aspects do they currently outperform your company?

    4. In what areas do you outperform them?

    5. What are the key differentiators between your product and theirs?

  17. Secondary Competitor

    1. Who is your next-biggest competitor?

    2. What is the URL to their website?

    3. In what aspects do they currently outperform your company?

    4. In what areas do you outperform them?

    5. What are the key differentiators between your product and theirs?

  18. Additional Competitors

    1. Provide any other information on additional competitors

Marketing Client Onboarding

Marketing Client Onboarding

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Thank you for your interest in our services. Before we get started, we're going to need some information from you.

What do you need to know?

  1. Provide all required information here using this form.
  2. Click ✓ Ok to submit and check off each request.
  3. Drafts are saved automatically and your progress restored (so you don't have to complete the checklist in one go

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Click the message icon in the top left corner to leave a message or comment for the question or section you're stuck in or need help with.

Getting started

Click the ✓ Ok button below to get started.

Primary Contact Person Details

Ideally, this is the person who is capable of making decisions for your company when required to do so within this process.

*Contact person name

Contact person telephone number

*Additional contact methods

List the other methods that can be used in order to contact this person. (Provide their Skype username, LinkedIn URL, etc)

*Contact person name TO DO

Contact person telephone number

*Additional contact methods

List the other methods that can be used in order to contact this person. (Provide their Skype username, LinkedIn URL, etc)

*Company name

*Business type

Company telephone number

Company physical address

*How many years has the company been operating?

*Number of employees

Company website URL

*Please upload the company logo in all its current formats and styles

If possible, please provide the images in PNG format on a transparent background.

Choose fileor drag a file here

Please upload the primary font that is used on the company's digital materials.

Choose fileor drag a file here

Please upload the secondary font that is used on the company's digital materials.

Choose fileor drag a file here

What is the company's primary product and/or service?

Service and/or product web page

Provide a link to a web page where the company's product and/or service is described to customers

What problems do these products/services aim to solve?

Your customers are typically trying to either take advantage of a particular opportunity, or solve a pain-point by using your product. What are these?

What is your most profitable product or service?

What is your most popuar product or service?

What is your primary value proposition?

What is the main reason your customers choose your product over your competitors?

What is the main weakness in your business model?

Are you aware of issues in your business model that's preventing growth or hurting revenue?

Is your product/service seasonal?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, provide the time periods during which you observe the highest sales

What are the company's core values?

Core values links

Provide links to web pages or media where the company's values are communicated to the customer.

Describe the company using three adjectives

What is the company's mission statement?

What communication tone resonates with your customers?

  • Professional

  • Personable

  • Humourous

  • Friendly

What is it that your company does better than your competitors?

Where do you feel your competitors are lagging behind you? What do you do better than them?

What do you believe to be your company's most valuable asset?

This can be anything from the quality of your customer support, a particular employee's skillset, a strong professional network, etc.

What Threatens Your Company's Growth?

Are there any concerns you have relating to the industry you operate in, economic or regulatory concerns, or other realistic risks that will affect your company's strategy or operations?

*In the short term (6-12 months)

*In the long term (12 months onwards)

Price point URL

Provide a link to the page on your site that describes your price points (if applicable)

Are you open to reconsidering these price points?

  • Yes

  • No

What is the primary strategic objective your company wants to achieve in the next 12 months?

What additional goals do you have in mind during this time and beyond?

Common customer objections

What are the most common objections that prevent or hinder a sale? 

How are these navigated currently?

How are these navigated currently?

Name the main reasons your customers remain loyal

What keeps your customers coming back?

What best describes your customer group?

Select one or more of these options (Business to Business, Business to Consumer, Consumer to Consumer)

  • B2B

  • B2C

  • C2C

If B2B, what industries do you aim to serve?

Have you developed a customer profile set?

  • Yes

  • No

If no, do you need our services to help you develop this?

  • Yes

  • No

Customer Personas

Typical aspects of a Customer Persona: Geographic location, Age, Gender, Education level, Employment role, Income Group, Pain Points they need solving, Employment Status, Personal Values and Goals, Marital status, Hobbies, Objections to becoming a customer.

Additionally, we'd also like you to let us know which social media platforms each of these customers spend most of their time on, as well as which other brands or influencers this person engages with on these platforms, if known. 

The more detailed each customer persona is, the easier it will be to visualize what and who to target.


Describe in detail the profile/persona of an ideal customer.


Describe in detail the profile/persona of an ideal customer.


Describe in detail the profile/persona of an ideal customer.


Describe in detail the profile/persona of an ideal customer.


Describe in detail the profile/persona of an ideal customer.

Who is your main competitor?

What is the URL to their website?

In what aspects do they currently outperform your company?

In what areas do you outperform them?

What are the key differentiators between your product and theirs?

Who is your next-biggest competitor?

What is the URL to their website?

In what aspects do they currently outperform your company?

In what areas do you outperform them?

What are the key differentiators between your product and theirs?

Provide any other information on additional competitors