1. Instructions

    1. Instructions

  2. Landing Page Layout

    1. High Converting Landing Page Layout

  3. Website Header

    1. Intro

    2. *Main Hero Headline

    3. Supporting Headline

    4. Your Hero Image / Video

  4. Website Body

    1. The Benefits of Your Offering

    2. A Paragraph About The Benefit

    3. Key Benefits in Bullet Points

    4. Reinforcing Statement

    5. Images for Benefit Blurbs

  5. Social Proof

    1. Social Proof Content

    2. Testimonials or Reviews

    3. Testimonial Images

    4. Statistics, Facts or Figures

    5. Results, Case Studies or Stories

  6. Call To Action (CTA)

    1. Call to Action Instructions

    2. Closing Statement

    3. CTA Button Text and Function

  7. Media Assets

    1. Share Content Instructions

    2. Upload Files

    3. Link to Files

Landing Page

Landing Page

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Thank you for your interest in our services. Before we get started, we're going to need some information from you.

What do you need to know?

  1. Provide all required information here using this form.
  2. Click ✓ Ok to submit and check off each request.
  3. Drafts are saved automatically and your progress restored (so you don't have to complete the checklist in one go

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Click the message icon in the top left corner to leave a message or comment for the question or section you're stuck in or need help with.

Getting started

Click the ✓ Ok button below to get started.

High Converting Landing Page Layout

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What is this section about?

Your hero content will be the first thing people see when they land on your page. It needs to:

  • Get recognized immediately by visitors that they are in the right place
  • Ideally align with whatever was clicked to get here. For example: the ad on Facebook or a 'call to action' somewhere else on the internet (a website, email newsletter, etc.)
  • Hook the visitors interest so that they stay and scroll down for more.

What does it look like?

Here is an example of a layout of this section

We will be asking for the following content: 

  1. Your Main Headline
  2. An Optional Sub Headline
  3. Your Hero Image / Video

*Main Hero Headline

What will they get, if they opt in for this offer?

This is the largest text on the website and the first thing that often catches the visitor's eyes.

Here's an example from Upwork (a freelancing platform): "How work should work"

Supporting Headline

Use a subtitle to provide extra information

Here's an example from Upwork (a freelancing platform): "Forget the old rules. You can have the best people. Right now. Right here."

Your Hero Image / Video

First impressions are important, and the hero image (or background video) is likely the first visual element of your landing page.

Ideally, a hero image should show the context of use and either show your product in use or show the outcome of your services

Choose fileor drag a file here

The Benefits of Your Offering

What is this section about?

This is where we describe your offer and answer why should they choose you? Your landing page needs supporting copy beyond the headline to persuade most people.

The key here is to describe specific benefits along with features. A benefit describes a positive impact that a feature has.

What does it look like?

There are lots of different layouts for a great landing page - your final design will depend on the content you provide and may also be determined by things like your goals, budget, market and audience. 

We will be asking for the following content: 

  • A Paragraph About The Benefit
  • Key Benefits in Bullet Points
  • A reinforcing Statement

A Paragraph About The Benefit

This is an introduction/summary that should follow on from your Hero Statement, offering more detail about your product or service. It will lead into the bullet points

Key Benefits in Bullet Points

List 2 to 5 quick one-liner bullet point titles about your offer.

Followed by a supporting statements.

Try to make these as short and succinct as possible. Use short paragraphs and summarize only the most important features or benefits.

Reinforcing Statement

Please restate (in new words) your core offer

If your landing page runs long, it makes sense to remind visitors of your USP with a reinforcing statement toward the middle of the page.

Images for Benefit Blurbs

If you have images to go with the short benefit statements / paragraphs above, you may upload these here. 

Choose fileor drag a file here

Social Proof Content

Social proof is the proof that people are using your product or service. It works because of the influence that people around us have on the decisions we make.

social proof takes many forms:

  • Quotes from customers
  • Case studies (or links to case studies)
  • Video interviews
  • Testimonials
  • Logos of customer companies
  • Reviews (direct or from sites like Yelp, Amazon, or Capterra)

This content may be added throughout the landing page's body.

Testimonials or Reviews

If you have any quotes from your customers, colleagues, coaches (etc) that are relevant, please list them here.

Write the quote followed by the their name, company, or role.

For example: "[Your Service] helps us showcase the value our platform provides by generating high-quality customer proof. With the ability to scale content creation, we can dedicate more time to enabling our sellers and building relationships with advocates." - Meghan Anderson, VP of Marketing, Google.com

Testimonial Images

If you have photos or logos to go with any of the quotes in the previous question, please upload them here

Choose fileor drag a file here

Statistics, Facts or Figures

Results, Case Studies or Stories

Call to Action Instructions

What is this section about?

This is the conclusion of the landing page. At this point we aim to convert your visitor to a lead, if we haven't already!

What does it look like?

We will be asking for the following content: 

  • Closing Statement
  • Call to Action (CTA)

Closing Statement

A closing statement backs up your unique selling proposition and gives your visitor one last chance to convert.

A strong closing statement might provide a little urgency or it could remind the visitor why they’re there in the first place. For a clickthrough page, it should also repeat your call-to-action to eliminate the need to scroll back up or down.

CTA Button Text and Function

Call-to-action (CTA) button, which can be either a standalone button or a form on the landing page designed for lead generation.

Share Content Instructions

If you have any more content you would like to send us, please share in this section either:

  1. by uploading files
  2. or sharing via link to a folder in the cloud

Upload Files

Ideally use real people. Avoid using stock images and videos.

Choose fileor drag a file here

Link to Files

Share via link to files instead.

For example: Google drive, Dropbox, etc.