1. Instructions

    1. Instructions

  2. Company Website

    1. Company website URL

    2. Company blog URL

    3. Are you satisfied with your website's SEO performance?

    4. Do you need assistance in performing a thorough audit of your site's SEO readiness?

  3. Social Media

    1. Twitter account URL

    2. Facebook page URL

    3. Instagram account URL

    4. LinkedIn URL

    5. Youtube URL

    6. Other URLs

    7. What are your objectives?

  4. External Exposure

    1. Have any external sites published content about your company?

    2. Testimonials

  5. Existing Content Marketing Efforts

    1. Provide the links to all websites or pages that currently drive traffic to your site.

    2. *Current content marketing budget

    3. *Do you believe that your existing content marketing efforts provide a feasible ROI?

    4. *Current marketing efforts

    5. *Were you managing your content marketing efforts in-house, or did you use an agency?

    6. *What has been your most successful content marketing approach thus far?

  6. Other Marketing Efforts

    1. *Other marketing strategies

  7. Analytics

    1. *Do you have Google Analytics set up on your website?

    2. *Google Analytics Access

    3. *Additional Tools

  8. Content Requirements

    1. *What is the expected scope for this content marketing campaign?

    2. *What types of content to do you expect from this campaign?

    3. *If you've selected other above, please provide additional details.

    4. *What is your estimated maximum budget for a content marketing campaign in US Dollars?

    5. *Do you want us to focus on providing content to be published only on your company blog ?

    6. *Existing SEO keywords

    7. *Additional Keywords

    8. *Do you need the campaign to include the creation of content-specific landing pages?

    9. *Please describe your company's content approval process.

    10. *Campaign Topic

    11. *Content Topics

    12. *Content Calendar

    13. *What communication tone resonates with your customers?

  9. Content Promotion

    1. *Promotion Methods

    2. *Which of the following do you regard as potential avenues for content promotion?

    3. *If you've selected other above, please provide additional details.

    4. *Paid Promotion

    5. *Do you need any assistance in building an email list for the purposes of content promotion?

  10. Goals & Expectations

    1. *What are your main objectives for this content marketing campaign?

    2. *If you've selected other above, please provide additional details.

    3. *Do you have any specific metrics by which the above will be measured?

    4. *How many pieces of content do you expect to be published per month?

  11. Imagery & Media

    1. *Does your company have an account with a stock imagery and media platform that we can use?

    2. *If no, is it within your budget to obtain such a subscription?

    3. *Would you need us to create bespoke imagery to accompany your content?

Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing Strategy

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Thank you for your interest in our services. Before we get started, we're going to need some information from you.

What do you need to know?

  1. Provide all required information here using this form.
  2. Click ✓ Ok to submit and check off each request.
  3. Drafts are saved automatically and your progress restored (so you don't have to complete the checklist in one go

Need help?

Click the message icon in the top left corner to leave a message or comment for the question or section you're stuck in or need help with.

Getting started

Click the ✓ Ok button below to get started.

Company website URL

Company blog URL

This question is applicable to you if your company has a blog hosted outside of your site domain (like Medium, for example)

Please ensure that your answer meets the following requirements:

Are you satisfied with your website's SEO performance?

Has your site been optimised for Search Engine Optimisation?

  • Yes

  • No

Do you need assistance in performing a thorough audit of your site's SEO readiness?

  • Yes

  • No

Twitter account URL

Facebook page URL

Instagram account URL

LinkedIn URL

Youtube URL

Other URLs

Do you have any additional social media presences? If so, please provide the details and links for these presences below

What are your objectives?

Select any options applicable to why your company currently uses Social Media.

  • Lead Generation

  • Conversion

  • Support

  • Brand Awareness

  • Networking

Have any external sites published content about your company?

Provide the URLs of reviews or blog posts that have been written by external, independent sites.


Understanding why your clients love your product is crucial to developing a great content marketing strategy. Please create a document that details positive feedback you've received and include as much information about the customer as possible (name, business name, role, etc).

Choose fileor drag a file here

Provide the links to all websites or pages that currently drive traffic to your site.

*Current content marketing budget

What is your current content marketing budget in US Dollars?

*Do you believe that your existing content marketing efforts provide a feasible ROI?

  • Yes

  • No

*Current marketing efforts

In what way do you feel your current content marketing efforts have been unsatisfactory?

*Were you managing your content marketing efforts in-house, or did you use an agency?

*What has been your most successful content marketing approach thus far?

If possible, please provide links to articles and blog posts that have resulted in the most traffic for your site.

*Other marketing strategies

Aside from Content Marketing, what marketing strategies are you currently employing?

e.g: Email marketing, Social Media, Paid Advertising, Referrals, Affiliates, PR, etc. If others exist, please provide details on these and where we can monitor them. 

*Do you have Google Analytics set up on your website?

  • Yes

  • No

*Google Analytics Access

Is it possible to give us access to your Google Analytics account? 

You will need to set us up as a user. We will be in touch with you to assist you with this process.

  • Yes

  • No

*Additional Tools

Please provide the details of any other tools that you use to monitor customer engagement with your site and product.

*What is the expected scope for this content marketing campaign?

  • What is the expected scope for this content marketing campaign?

  • Content Creation

  • Both

*What types of content to do you expect from this campaign?

  • Blog Posts

  • Long-form Articles

  • Case Studies

  • E-books

  • Infographics

  • Videos

  • Other

*If you've selected other above, please provide additional details.

*What is your estimated maximum budget for a content marketing campaign in US Dollars?

*Do you want us to focus on providing content to be published only on your company blog ?

  • Company Blog

  • External Sites (Guest Posts)

  • Both

*Existing SEO keywords

Please provide any existing SEO keywords that have been successful in the past.

*Additional Keywords

Would you like us to research additional keywords that would be applicable for your company?

  • Yes

  • No

*Do you need the campaign to include the creation of content-specific landing pages?

It is often advisable to create landing pages specific to the content that is published on external sites. Is this something you need our help with, or do you want all content to refer visitors to one existing page?

  • Yes

  • No

*Please describe your company's content approval process.

If there are multiple stakeholders involved in approving content, please give us as much information as possible on it. Who are these stakeholders and what is the most effective way of involving them?

*Campaign Topic

Is there a specific topic relating to your company that you want the content campaign to focus on?

*Content Topics

Do you need help in researching and proposing content topics that will reach your goals with this campaign?

  • Yes

  • No

*Content Calendar

Do you need assistance in developing and maintaining a content calendar?

  • Yes

  • No

*What communication tone resonates with your customers?

  • Professional

  • Personable

  • Humorous

  • Friendly

*Promotion Methods

In addition to ensuring that content is SEO friendly and likely to rank on Google, there are numerous methods available to promote individual content pieces. Do you expect this campaign to utilise content promotion techniques other than search engine optimisation?

  • Yes

  • No

*Which of the following do you regard as potential avenues for content promotion?

  • Email Broadcast

  • Social Media

  • Paid Promotion

  • Influencer Promotion

  • Outreach

  • Backlinks

  • Other

  • I'm Unsure

*If you've selected other above, please provide additional details.

*Paid Promotion

If paid promotion is an option, please provide an estimated monthly budget in US Dollars for this spend.

*Do you need any assistance in building an email list for the purposes of content promotion?

  • Yes

  • No

*What are your main objectives for this content marketing campaign?

  • Traffic

  • Lead Generation

  • Conversion

  • Brand Awareness

  • Customer Loyalty

  • Customer Education

  • E-commerce Sales

  • Thought Leadership

  • Other

*If you've selected other above, please provide additional details.

*Do you have any specific metrics by which the above will be measured?

Please be as specific as possible. For instance, would you like to see a 25% increase in traffic, would you like to see a 5% decline in customer churn, etc.

*How many pieces of content do you expect to be published per month?

Must be a valid number

*Does your company have an account with a stock imagery and media platform that we can use?

  • Yes

  • No

*If no, is it within your budget to obtain such a subscription?

  • Yes

  • No

*Would you need us to create bespoke imagery to accompany your content?

  • Yes

  • No