1. Instructions

    1. Instructions

  2. Basic Information

    1. *Company/Blog Name

    2. *Your Website

    3. *Desired Article Length

    4. *How many articles are required?

    5. *How quickly do you require the finished content?

    6. *Details

  3. Specifications

    1. *Keywords

    2. *Associated Industry type(s)

    3. *Target Audience(s)

    4. *Preferred Tone(s)

    5. *Preferred Voice

    6. *Target Gender Group(s)

    7. *Target Age Group(s)

    8. *Would you like us to use your company name in the content?

    9. *Would you like us to include royalty-free images in the content?

    10. *Would you like us to include your own images the content?

  4. Additional Information

    1. *Are you a previous customer?

    2. *Is there anything else we should know that you'd like to add?

Blog Post Writing Request

Blog Post Writing Request

Click ✓ Start to begin
or press Enter ↵

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All required items on the checklist are submitted. We're reviewing your submission and will stay in touch.

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Thank you for your interest in our services. Before we get started, we're going to need some information from you.

What do you need to know?

  1. Provide all required information here using this form.
  2. Click ✓ Ok to submit and check off each request.
  3. Drafts are saved automatically and your progress restored (so you don't have to complete the checklist in one go

Need help?

Click the message icon in the top left corner to leave a message or comment for the question or section you're stuck in or need help with.

Getting started

Click the ✓ Ok button below to get started.

*Company/Blog Name

*Your Website

Please ensure that your answer meets the following requirements:

*Desired Article Length

*How many articles are required?

*How quickly do you require the finished content?


Describe your content requirements in as much detail as possible.

A link to a similar article could also be incredibly helpful in ensuring that we write the ideal piece of content for you. If you're requesting multiple articles, separate your descriptions for each into different answers in order to make things as clear as possible.


Please separate these clearly with commas. If you don't have any keywords you'd like to target and would like to leave this up to us, please specify this within your answer instead.

*Associated Industry type(s)

E.g: Parenting, Beauty, Gardening, Fashion, Tech, etc

*Target Audience(s)

Please tick as many answers as are applicable to your situation.

  • Blog Readers

  • Parents

  • Business Owners

  • Educators

  • Consumers

  • Government Agencies

  • Other

*Preferred Tone(s)

Please tick as many answers as are applicable to your situation.

  • Instructional

  • Serious

  • Educational

  • Informative

  • Light-hearted

  • Conversational

  • Casual

  • Humorous

  • Professional

  • Promotional

  • Sales Driven

*Preferred Voice

*Target Gender Group(s)

*Target Age Group(s)

  • Kids

  • Teens

  • 20s

  • 30s

  • 40s

  • 50s

  • 60s and above

*Would you like us to use your company name in the content?

*Would you like us to include royalty-free images in the content?

*Would you like us to include your own images the content?

If so, please upload them here. It's also worth noting that you MUST have usage rights for any images uploaded.

Choose fileor drag a file here

*Are you a previous customer?

*Is there anything else we should know that you'd like to add?

Use this part to let us know of anything you'd like to mention. For example, this could be information that doesn't quite fit within the above categories, questions regarding this form and the next steps, etc.