1. Instructions

    1. Instructions

  2. Basic Company Information

    1. *Company Name

    2. *Company Address

    3. *Company Contact Number

    4. Alternate Company Contact Number

    5. Company Email Address

    6. VAT/GST Number

    7. *What type of entity does your business categorise itself as?

  3. Primary Contact Company Information

    1. *Full Name

    2. *Address

    3. *Mobile Number

    4. *Email Address

    5. *VAT/Tax File/IRD Number

  4. Company Director Contact Information

    1. *Full Name

    2. *Address

    3. *Mobile Number

    4. *Email Address

    5. *VAT/Tax File/IRD Number

  5. Company Bank Information

    1. *Bank Name

    2. *Bank Branch Address

    3. *Account Number

    4. *IBAN/Swift Code

  6. Initial Required Documentation

    1. *Certificate of Incorporation (for Companies, LLP, Trusts)

    2. *Document displaying GST/company tax number

    3. *Confirmation of company address

    4. *Scans of valid forms of ID of Primary Contact and Director

    5. *Documents displaying VAT/Tax File/IRD Numbers of Primary Contact and Director

Basic KYC/Info Sheet

Basic KYC/Info Sheet

Old McDonalds

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Thank you for your interest in us.

In order to proceed with this partnership, we need some info from you regarding yourself and your company, as well as some initial documentation to get us started. Thank you for taking the time out to fill this form.

What do you need to know?

  1. Provide all required information here using this form.
  2. Click ✓ Ok to submit and check off each request.
  3. Drafts are saved automatically and your progress restored (so you don't have to complete the checklist in one go

Need help?

Click the message icon in the top left corner to leave a message or comment for the question or section you're stuck in or need help with.

Getting started

Click the ✓ Ok button below to get started.

*Company Name

*Company Address

Please provide at least:

  • the property name/ number
  • the street address
  • the postcode/zip code 

*Company Contact Number

Alternate Company Contact Number

VAT/GST Number

*What type of entity does your business categorise itself as?

  • LLC

  • Corporation

  • Sole Proprietorship

  • Partnership

*Full Name


Please provide at least:

  • the property name/ number
  • the street address
  • the postcode/zip code 

*Mobile Number

If you wish to provide multiple phone numbers, feel free to do so. 

*VAT/Tax File/IRD Number

*Full Name


*Mobile Number

*VAT/Tax File/IRD Number

*Bank Name

*Bank Branch Address

*Account Number

*IBAN/Swift Code

*Certificate of Incorporation (for Companies, LLP, Trusts)

Choose fileor drag a file here

*Document displaying GST/company tax number

Choose fileor drag a file here

*Confirmation of company address

This could come in the form of a telephone bill or electricity bill from up to 6 months ago, for example.

Choose fileor drag a file here

*Scans of valid forms of ID of Primary Contact and Director

Examples include: ID Card, Passport, Driver's Licence, etc.

Choose fileor drag a file here

*Documents displaying VAT/Tax File/IRD Numbers of Primary Contact and Director

Choose fileor drag a file here