1. Instructions

    1. Instructions

  2. Your Information

    1. *Your full name

    2. *Your address

    3. *Your primary contact number

    4. *Your email address

    5. *Date of birth

    6. *Occupation

    7. *Date of Birth

    8. *Do you have a spouse?

  3. Proof of Identity

    1. *Proof of ID

  4. Dependents

    1. *How many dependents do you have?

  5. Documentation

    1. Previous tax returns

  6. Curious

    1. Are you coming to us from another accounting firm?

    2. How did you hear about us?

    3. *What are you looking for help with from us?

    4. *Please provide us with an approximate date you’d like us to begin.

    5. *Is there anything else we should know about you?

Accounting Client Onboarding - Individual (AUS)

Accounting Client Onboarding - Individual (AUS)

Click ✓ Start to begin
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All required items on the checklist are submitted. We're reviewing your submission and will stay in touch.

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Thank you for your interest in our services. Before we get started, we're going to need some information from you.

Please ensure that all information you enter here is accurate and true.

What do you need to know?

  1. Provide all required information here using this form.
  2. Click ✓ Ok to submit and check off each request.
  3. Drafts are saved automatically and your progress restored (so you don't have to complete the checklist in one go

Need help?

Click the message icon in the top left corner to leave a message or comment for the question or section you're stuck in or need help with.

Getting started

Click the ✓ Ok button below to get started.

*Your full name

Include middle names if applicable

*Your address

*Your primary contact number

Here, you can provide us with the primary contact number that we can reach you on if we need to discuss anything with you personally.

*Date of birth


*Date of Birth

*Do you have a spouse?

  • Yes

  • No

*Proof of ID

To verify your identity, please provide a copy of your government ID that includes a photo of you.

Some examples of government IDs include:

  • National identity card
  • State ID
  • Driver's license
  • Passport

Image upload requirements:

  • Anything that you send us must include your name.
  • In case of driver's license, please upload the front and back of your license.
  • Image must be clear, with all edges included
  • Image must be in color
  • Image must be in .png or .jpg format

Choose fileor drag a file here

*How many dependents do you have?

Previous tax returns

Please upload your most recent tax return.

Choose fileor drag a file here

Are you coming to us from another accounting firm?

  • Yes

  • No

How did you hear about us?

*What are you looking for help with from us?

*Please provide us with an approximate date you’d like us to begin.

If you're not sure, leave empty.

*Is there anything else we should know about you?

Is there anything else you'd like to mention or add that we missed?